Posted by & filed under Restorative Dentistry, Dental Implants, General Dental Articles, oral health.

man missing toothMaybe it’s been a long time since you last visited our dental office in Asheboro for a comprehensive cleaning and checkup. That’s OK! But maybe now you find yourself with a missing tooth, or in danger of having a tooth (or multiple teeth) fall out due to deterioration over time. We’re here to help you understand some possible effective ways dentists choose to fix a missing tooth or teeth.

The Benefits of Fixing Your Missing Tooth

We know it can be embarrassing or even nerve-wracking to see the dentist when your smile is damaged. But doing nothing can make the problem worse and put your remaining healthy teeth in jeopardy. When you fix a missing tooth or multiple teeth, you’re going to:

  • Restore your smile and your confidence
  • Fix any issues with chewing or speaking
  • Help keep the natural shape to your face
  • Help fix your bite’s form and function
  • Keep remaining teeth from moving or shifting over time

You see? The results are just too good to pass up! Isn’t it time you talked to your dentist in Asheboro?

Common Tooth Replacement Options

Depending on your individual needs, there are numerous treatment options delivered with some of dentistry’s most state-of-the-art dental technology for patients of all ages who might be missing a tooth or teeth. We think modern dental care is truly amazing!

  1. Single Dental Implant

A dental implant is a life-changing restoration that actually acts like your missing tooth’s natural roots to help keep your jaw bone stimulated and healthy. You’ll get a custom, tooth-colored crown that will help you be able to finally eat the foods you love, but have been avoiding because of your missing tooth. If taken care of properly, dental implants can last many years if not a lifetime.

  1. Bridge

Just like the name implies, a dental bridge can bridge the gap that’s created when you end up missing a tooth or even multiple teeth. Your dental bridge is usually constructed of two or more crowns that are adjacent to the gap created by a missing tooth. Think of these teeth as anchoring teeth and then you’ll have a customized false tooth or teeth to fill the gap. Sometimes bridges are supported by dental implants; it depends on your oral health goals.

  1. Dentures

When you’re missing multiple teeth, it might be time to talk to us about the amazing ways dentures can give you back a confident, healthy smile. Dentures can be used to replace both upper and lower missing teeth. They’re created to be aesthetically and naturally pleasing, so no one will even know they’re not your real teeth.

Please don’t hesitate to call your Asheboro dentist to schedule a consultation. Together, we can look at your missing tooth or teeth and create a plan for your treatment that works for your budget, your schedule, and your smile.

About The Author
Dr. Brandon Williams

Dr. Brandon Williams earned his DDS degree from UNC - Chapel Hill. He is a certified Invisalign provider and a proud member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, an honorary dental service organization. Dr. Brandon serves on the board of Randolph Family Health Care at MERCE, a community health clinic, whenever he is not serving patients at the practice.