What is a Canker Sore?

Posted by & filed under oral health, General Dental Articles.

While inconvenient and sometimes a little painful, canker sores are more annoying than they are concerning. But when canker sores pop up you may wonder what these ulcer-type spots actually are, what caused them in the first place, and how to treat them quickly and effectively. At our Asheboro dental office, we’re here to answer… Read more »

GERD & Dental Problems

Posted by & filed under oral health, General Dental Articles, Prevention.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as its more common and easier to pronounce acronym GERD, is an uncomfortable problem associated with digestion. But while the issue originates in the gut it can have a negative on oral health. If you suffer from GERD, our Asheboro dental office has some insight for you. What Is GER/GERD?… Read more »

How Diabetes Affects Oral Health

Posted by & filed under oral health, General Dental Articles, Gum Disease, Prevention.

When it comes to all of the health complications that can go hand-in-hand with diabetes, oral health is often overlooked. At our Asheboro dental office, we want our patients and neighbors to know just how drastically diabetes can affect oral health, and precautions that those with diabetes should take to keep their mouths healthy. The… Read more »