Scared of the Dentist? Let Us Help!

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You have a dental appointment early tomorrow morning…and you can’t sleep. You toss and turn in bed, you feel tense and can’t seem to relax, you start sweating, your heart starts pounding, and you may even start to feel nauseated. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re one of an estimated 80 million Americans… Read more »

How to Choose a Dentist in Asheboro

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Whether you’re new to the area or just looking for a new dentist, choosing the right practice for yourself and your family can be an intimidating process. It’s important to know that not all dentists will be a good fit for your unique needs. But don’t worry, there’s a practice just for you, and we’d… Read more »

What Your Smile Says About You

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At our dental office in Asheboro, we want your smile to look its very best to help you get more satisfaction out of life both professionally and personally. We know your smile is a powerful tool that can tell the world quite a lot about who you truly are. Did you know that evolutionary scientists… Read more »

All About Dental X-Rays

Posted by & filed under General Dental Articles, oral health.

Dental x-rays are a vital diagnostic tool used to properly identify any underlying conditions that may not yet be visible on the surface. At our dental office in Asheboro, we perform dental x-rays only as often as necessary, which can vary from patient to patient depending on their oral needs and health history. We also… Read more »